The derveni krater download
The derveni krater download

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the derveni krater download

Analiza monumentalnych założeń grobowych z okresu późnoklasycznego i hellenistycznego by Muzeum Narodowe in Krakow. Macedonia – Alexandria Monumental funerary complexes of the late Classical and Hellenistic age Dorota Gorzelany Macedonia – Alexandria Monumental funerary complexes of the late Classical and Hellenistic age Dorota Gorzelany Archaeopress Publishing Ltd Summertown Pavilion 18-24 Middle Way Summertown Oxford OX2 7LG ISBN 978-1-78969-136-8 ISBN 978-1-78969-137-5 (e-Pdf) © Dorota Gorzelany, Archaeopress and Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie 2019 Translated by Iwona Zych Revision by Keith Horechka Publication funded under the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s programme entitled The National Programme for Development of Humanities for the years 2017-2019, project number: 0121/NPRH5/H First published in 2014 as MACEDONIA–ALEKSANDRIA.

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