Rhino d
Rhino d

rhino d

There are two species of rhino found in various regions of Africa, and three species in regions of Asia. The preferred habitat varies depending on the species, but range from savannas, grassland plains, wetlands, and dense forests in tropical regions. Horn growth – Rhino horns grow as much as 3 in (8 cm) a year, and may grow up to 5 ft (1.5 m) long.Thick-Skinned – Rhinos have a tough skin that is approximately 0.6 in (1.5 cm) thick, which is why they are sometimes referred to as “pachyderms.”.Speed – Despite their great size, rhinos can run very quickly – up to 30 mph (48 kph).Value of Horns – Rhinos are illegally hunted for their horns, which on the black-market sell for the same price as gold on a weight-for-weight basis.

rhino d

  • Collective Noun – The name for a group of rhinoceroses is a “crash,” or a “herd”.
  • rhino d

    They are also an iconic animal of the countries in which they are found, leading to some interesting facts about the Rhinoceros. Interesting Facts About the Rhinocerosīeing so large, rhinos have evolved several interesting features and characteristics. The two rhino species of Africa are much larger than the three species found in Asia. Rhinos are usually grey, black, or brown (though one species is called the “ white rhino”), and average about 1.5 tons (1360 kg) in weight. The characteristic feature of these animals is a large horn in the middle of their faces some species have a second, smaller horn. They have a robust, cylindrical body with a large head, relatively short legs, and short tail. Rhinos are thought to be the second largest land animal, with the elephant being the largest.

    Rhino d